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作者:    时间:2023-03-13    浏览:

· 姓名:邓军刚

· 职称:讲师

· 毕业院校:兰州大学

· 学历:博士研究生

· 学位:理学博士

· 所在单位:最全菠菜网

· 学科:粒子物理与原子核物理

· 办公地点:L1640-1

· 联系方式:15575429353

· 电子邮箱:dengjungang@ctgu.edu.cn

· 个人简介:

邓军刚,男,汉族,199410月生,博士,讲师。因科研成绩显著,20226月于兰州大学粒子物理与原子核物理专业提前一年毕业,获理学博士学位。同年6月作为高层次人才被引进最全菠菜网从事教学科研工作。长期从事原子核结构和衰变性质的研究,并取得了国内外同行认可的学术成果。在国际核物理顶级期刊Physics Letters B, Physical Review C, Chinese Physics C 等发表SCI论文21篇,其中以第一作者(通讯作者)身份发表SCI论文12篇。SCI论文被引345次,他引271次,H-Index=12。获2017年全国核结构大会十佳优秀青年报告奖、2021年全国核反应大会十佳优秀青年报告奖、湖南省优秀硕士学位论文等荣誉。兼任核物理SCI期刊Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle PhysicsPhysica ScriptInternational Journal of Modern Physics E审稿人。

· 研究方向


· 主持/参与的科研项目:

[1] 菠菜资源平台大全高层次人才科研启动基金,2022.08-2025.07,在研,主持

[2] 宜昌市自然科学研究项目,2023.01.01-2024.12.31,在研,主持

[3] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目,lzujbky-2020-it012020.01-2021.12,结题,主持

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,121751702022.01-2025.12,在研,参与

[5] 国家自然科学基金专项项目,119472292020.01-2020.12,结题,参与

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11705082018.01-2020.12,结题,参与

· 学术论文:

[1] Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, European Physical Journal A 58, 165 (2022)

[2] Jun-Gang Deng, Hong-Fei Zhang* and Xiao-Dong Sun, Chinese Physics C 46, 061001 (2022)

[3] Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Physics Letters B 816, 136247 (2021)

[4] Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Chinese Physics C 45, 024104 (2021)

[5] Jun-Gang Deng, Hong-Fei Zhang*, and G. Royer, Physical Review C 101, 034307 (2020)

[6] Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Physical Review C 102, 044314 (2020)

[7] Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li*, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Hao Cheng, and Xi-Jun Wu*, European Physical Journal A 55, 58 (2019)

[8] Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Peng-Cheng Chu*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Physical Review C 97, 044322 ( 2018)

[9] Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Jiu-Long Chen, Xi-Jun Wu*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Chinese Physics C 42, 044102 (2018)

[10] Jun-Gang Deng, Jun-Hao Cheng, Bo Zheng*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Chinese Physics C 41, 124109 (2017)

[11] Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Dong Xiang*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Physical Review C 96, 024318 (2017)

[12] Jun-Yao Xu, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng*, Jun-Hao Cheng, Hong-Ming Liu, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Communications in Theoretical Physics 71, 1328–1334 (2019)

[13] Yu-Qi Xin, Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Communications in Theoretical Physics 73, 065301 (2021)

[14] Yu-Qi Xin, Na-Na Ma, Jun-Gang Deng, Tian-Liang Zhao, Hong-Fei Zhang*, Nuclear Science and Techniques 32, 55 (2021)

[15] Jun-Hao Cheng, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li, Zhen Zhang, Peng-Cheng Chu, Nuclear Physics A 997, 121717 (2020)

[16] Hong-Ming Liu, Jun-Yao Xu, Jun-Gang Deng, Biao He and Xiao-Hua Li, International Journal of Modern Physics E 28, 1950089 (2019)

[17] Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Yao Xu, Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li, Biao He, and Peng-Cheng Chu, European Physical Journal A 55, 214 (2019)

[18] Jiu-Long Chen, Xiao-Hua Li*, Jun-Hao Cheng, Jun-Gang Deng, and Xi-Jun Wu*,  Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46, 065107 (2019)

[19] Jun-Hao Cheng, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng, Xi-Jun Wu*, Xiao-Hua Li*, and Peng-Cheng Chu*, Nuclear Physics A 987, 350–368 (2019)

[20] Xiao-Dong Sun, Jun-Gang Deng, Dong Xiang*, Ping Guo, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Physical Review C 95, 044303 (2017)

[21] Xiao-Dong Sun, Chao Duan, Jun-Gang Deng, Ping Guo, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Physical Review C 95, 014319 (2017)

· 荣誉获奖:

[1] 第十七届全国核结构大会优秀青年报告奖,2018.07

[2] 2021年全国核反应会议优秀青年报告奖,2021.06

[3] 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文,2021.11


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